Forbidden ArmsA mysterious warrior named Ichirou possesses the legendary forbidden sword. Tho the sword grants godly powers, it drinks the blood out of it's enemies and it's wielder. To satisfy the sword's thirst, you must slay ninjas that disturbed your deep stasis and discover the mystery that stirred them affray. |
Latest Games
Forbidden Arms
Samurai Rebellion
Samurai RebellionLead your fierce samurai forces into open rebellion and conquer Japan! You are living in the shadow of the unworthy Shogun Nobunaga for far too long, already. Time to gather your loyal forces and take what is yours by the right of conquest! Samurai Rebellion is a fast-paced, battle-oriented strategy game set in medieval Japan around the year 1600. The game features both tactical and strategical gameplay, 37 levels, 7 unit types, and a unique art style based on ancient Japanese Ukiyo-e printing. |